The Owen Sound Artists’ Co-operative relies on its membership for everything from the beautiful work you see exhibited to the day to day running of a strong business.
Currently we have 45 members, and accept new members only if a member leaves. Generally, we look to the pool of guest artists we have shown throughout the years and chose an artist to fit the niche that has been left by the departing maker. Sadly, this may mean a long wait for membership in some mediums, but the wait is worth it! We ask anyone interested in membership, to apply for our Guest Artist Program, and experience the Co-op for one month. Our board meets monthly, and juries potential guests and members at that meeting.
As a member, you are responsible for working 16 shifts dispersed evenly throughout the year, pay an annual membership fee as well as a monthly studio fee, and a percentage of sales that is remitted back to the Co-op to run the business. We are proud to say that our store is run completely on our own steam, these fees go directly back into our store, and our Board of Directors manages our thriving business. Members are expected to join the Board and Committees at sometime during their membership.
Working a monthly shift is one of the perks of membership. This is an opportunity to meet our customers. Often artists spend most of their time making in their studio, this is a time to step away from the potters wheel, put down the artist’s brush, set down the tools and engage with the admiring public!